1.1 Pruex Bartholomew Pump


A New and Improved modulating dosage pump for applying Water Plus to boreholes, wells, tanks or reservoirs.



  1. The amount dosed over a 24 hour period can be determined using a simple up and down arrow on the control panel.
  2. The lowest dose is set to 200ml per 24 hour period
  3. The highest dose can be set to 3 litres per 24 hour period
  4. The amount set is split into 12 parts, and administered at 2 hour intervals throughout the 24 hour period of dosing.
  5. A three point plug socket will be needed.
  6. Fitting by others
    1. Pruex can arrange for these pumps to be fitted as an extra


    1. The video below is of a more expensive, earlier model

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