1.1 Pruex Easy Boss E - Low stress cattle handling Device


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Cattle that need treatment and are restrained can get stressed and agitated and become a risk to those handling them. This can limit production. Even in a crush or held at a feed barrier, the stress levels on the animal can be damaging, and they never volunteer to stand totally still for examination or treatment. So, Veterinarian Don Finlay has brought a divide to the market that can reduce stress and helps the animal volunteer to be examined and handled for treatment, including painful treatments that require pain relief.

Easy Boss E (EBE) is an ingenuitive oral distraction device developed for safe cattle handling that incorporates the reflexive and natural chewing behavior of cattle to distract the animal. Compared to standard cattle handling methods, the EBE allows for a more humane approach to cattle handling leading to improved welfare for both animal and handler alike. When used, EBE immediately calms cattle and prevents kicking and other defensive behaviors. In particular, eye, ear, mouth and facial procedures are safer and performed more quickly in comparison to traditional cattle handling methods. NO HALTER USE.

Made of medical grade stainless steel and a vinyl grip handle, EBE is light and ergonomic. It is recognized for its value in cattle handling and animal welfare across the world.

Read the research behind EBE in the Canadian Veterinary Journal, “The Impact of an Oral Distraction During a Painful Procedure” (June 2013/Pub Medica).

Oral distraction of cattle is a new and exciting way to simply reduce panic hormones by calming cattle making them steady whilst they are individually handled. THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE ELECTRIC SHOCK TECHNOLOGY. 

  • Keep your staff safe during cattle handling procedures
  • Cattle get stressed during mustering for handling
    • Calm them down during procedures
  • Can be used to calm cattle to enable pain management application
    • A flustered beast is harder to administer local anaesthetic blocks accurately (Cornual block, Paravertebral blocks, or Peterson eye block)
      • Calm your cattle ahead of pain relief 
    • You don't want any contamination or tissue damage to occur during the first stage TB test, so keep your cows calm and steady by oral distraction
      • Give your vet the best chance to avoid animal and staff stress during TB testing.
  • Make it safer for staff to examine cattle restrained by self locking yolks (Barriers) 

The Science bit


Example of use. A bull that is nervous, stressed and flighty whilst in the crush is calmed down and distracted by an Easy Boss E. He cools down and starts to chew in a way similar to when he chews his cudd. He allows the vet to measure his scrotum during a fertility audit.


You can find out more at www.easybosse.com

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