Our quest as humans to achieve almost sterile environments to live in has resulted in us putting great strain on our health. We have cleaned with chemical biocides, and have seen an increase in Fake Food that's highly processed to ensure consumer convenience. The skin and other organs suffer as a result.

Pruex work on all areas needed to take pressure off. We work via Pruex Barn on agriculture, using soil bacteria to ensure a dry bed, clean air and water for livestock, and our agricultural arm of Pruex Body to work on the inside of the animals using plant material. Healthy animals are needed to form a healthy balanced diet. Pruex Home is where we use soil bacteria to ensure healthy environments for humans and pets, and we have Pruex Body products, plant material to help on the inside of the body.
In this example, Acne caused the young girl pictured to loose confidence. Having identified the likely cause in her environment and diet, we recommended changes she could make to her lifestyle using Pruex Home and Body products.

We're delighted that she feels confident enough for us to publish her photos, and wish her well for her future.
Nature has the ingredients to help skin
Our quest as humans to achieve almost sterile environments to live in has resulted in us putting great strain on our health. We have cleaned with chemical biocides, and have seen an increase in Fake Food that's highly processed to ensure consumer convenience. The skin and other organs suffer as a result.
Pruex work on all areas needed to take pressure off. We work via Pruex Barn on agriculture, using soil bacteria to ensure a dry bed, clean air and water for livestock, and our agricultural arm of Pruex Body to work on the inside of the animals using plant material. Healthy animals are needed to form a healthy balanced diet. Pruex Home is where we use soil bacteria to ensure healthy environments for humans and pets, and we have Pruex Body products, plant material to help on the inside of the body.
In this example, Acne caused the young girl pictured to loose confidence. Having identified the likely cause in her environment and diet, we recommended changes she could make to her lifestyle using Pruex Home and Body products.
We're delighted that she feels confident enough for us to publish her photos, and wish her well for her future.