News / Mastitis

Pruex 5 Point Plan - Watery Mouth & Joint Ill

Pruex 5 Point Plan - Watery Mouth & Joint Ill

Sheep sheds often start off as dry and relatively clean areas for sheep housing, but as time passes, moisture, faeces, body fluids and other animal contamination, (including bacteria and protozoa), raise to a level which can cause issues for sheep and lamb health.

Pruex have learned a great deal over the last three lambing seasons and have developed a simple 5 point plan that attempts to help shepherds reduce the risk of watery mouth and joint Ill.

Within the plan, farmers will need misting equipment to apply Animal House Stabiliser (AHS Green Top), to bedding and Water Plus (Blue Top) to water. These products can be viewed or purchased from the buttons below.



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Reducing the need for antibiotics in a Cow & Calf dairy unit

Reducing the need for antibiotics in a Cow & Calf dairy unit

Ensuring that animals get clean water that's not dominated by infection causing bacteria is essential in the fight against disease and majorly influences the need to treat sick animals with antibiotics. 

Disease instances such as mastitis, foul of the foot, calf scour and pneumonia have all reduced significantly on this Scottish dairy unit since they have applied Pruex protocols with the aim of ensuring; Dry bedding, clean air, feet and water.

David Finlay discusses what they have observed since they have worked with Pruex with the objective of reducing the environmental challenge their animals face from disease causing agents.


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