Pruex have been shortlisted by Public Health England for an Antibiotic Guardian Award within the Animal Health, Agriculture and Food Supply section.

The awards are set to take place on the 27th of June 2019, at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham and are a way of championing those organisations and individuals who have demonstrated achievement in tackling antimicrobial resistance at a local, regional or national level.
“I’m absolutely delighted for this recognition. We look to inspire positive change in agriculture by showing farmers what they can do to limit the risk of bacterial infections on farm.” said Aled Rhys Davies who founded Pruex as a result of conducting a Nuffield Farming Scholarship sponsored by the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society looking at Alternatives to Antibiotics in Agriculture. He travelled to countries in Europe, Australasia and Northern America looking at antibiotics use amongst the fish, pig, poultry, dairy, beef and sheep sectors.
Aled found that within all sectors, animals don’t live in sterile environments, and are surrounded by bacteria. The need for food and the resulting post second world war intensification of agriculture has resulted in animals being taken out of their natural environments, surrounded by non-infective soil bacteria, to be housed in buildings where the bacterial colonies that dominate are faecal, biofilm forming and often pathogenic despite disinfection. Historic antibiotic administration, ranging from prophylactic to curative doses, has enabled farmers to maintain production and mortality at acceptable levels. With pressure building on all users to limit antibiotic use, farmers need a way of reducing the bacterial pressures their livestock face. Pruex uses non-infective soil borne bacteria to clean the water and the housed environments of food producing animals in order to reduce the need for antibiotics. Over the last two years, Pruex has enabled over 600 farms to use antibiotics prudently as opposed to excessively.
Antibiotic Guardian was developed in 2014 by Public Health England. The campaign is led by Public Health England (PHE) in collaboration with the Devolved Administrations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland); the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and professional bodies/ organisations towards the ‘One Health’ initiative.
The campaign is active on social media, visit to follow recent tweets and please use #AntibioticGuardian when tweeting relevant antimicrobial resistance/stewardship information and to share your local activities
Pruex shortlisted by Public Health England for an #AntibioticGuardian Award
Pruex have been shortlisted by Public Health England for an Antibiotic Guardian Award within the Animal Health, Agriculture and Food Supply section.
The awards are set to take place on the 27th of June 2019, at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham and are a way of championing those organisations and individuals who have demonstrated achievement in tackling antimicrobial resistance at a local, regional or national level.
“I’m absolutely delighted for this recognition. We look to inspire positive change in agriculture by showing farmers what they can do to limit the risk of bacterial infections on farm.” said Aled Rhys Davies who founded Pruex as a result of conducting a Nuffield Farming Scholarship sponsored by the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society looking at Alternatives to Antibiotics in Agriculture. He travelled to countries in Europe, Australasia and Northern America looking at antibiotics use amongst the fish, pig, poultry, dairy, beef and sheep sectors.
Aled found that within all sectors, animals don’t live in sterile environments, and are surrounded by bacteria. The need for food and the resulting post second world war intensification of agriculture has resulted in animals being taken out of their natural environments, surrounded by non-infective soil bacteria, to be housed in buildings where the bacterial colonies that dominate are faecal, biofilm forming and often pathogenic despite disinfection. Historic antibiotic administration, ranging from prophylactic to curative doses, has enabled farmers to maintain production and mortality at acceptable levels. With pressure building on all users to limit antibiotic use, farmers need a way of reducing the bacterial pressures their livestock face. Pruex uses non-infective soil borne bacteria to clean the water and the housed environments of food producing animals in order to reduce the need for antibiotics. Over the last two years, Pruex has enabled over 600 farms to use antibiotics prudently as opposed to excessively.
Antibiotic Guardian was developed in 2014 by Public Health England. The campaign is led by Public Health England (PHE) in collaboration with the Devolved Administrations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland); the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and professional bodies/ organisations towards the ‘One Health’ initiative.
The campaign is active on social media, visit to follow recent tweets and please use #AntibioticGuardian when tweeting relevant antimicrobial resistance/stewardship information and to share your local activities